Contact Information:
Mido Aly - Program Coordinator
255 IBMR
460 Medical Center Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-2379
The Neuroscience Graduate Program Committee oversees and administers the doctoral degree program. The committee is comprised of:
Graduate Faculty Members
- Martin Haesemeyer
- John Oberdick
- Bin Gu
- Kathryn Lenz
- Liz Kirby
- Cole Vonder Haar
- Jason Wester
- Dana McTigue
- Gordon Meares
- Lei Wang
Graduate Student Members
- Meretta Hanson - Student Representative
- Christopher Vadala - Student Representative
Student Advocates
Student Advocates will be NGP faculty who are not voting members of the NGP committee, whom students can approach with questions or concerns in case of a conflict of interest with the directors or coordinator.
If you are ever experiencing difficulty within the NGP, or would like guidance or assistance from someone other than your mentor, please don't hesitate to reach out to Directors Dr. Plant or Dr. Fischer, or to the Program Coordinator Mido Aly – We are pleased to be one of your first steps in troubleshooting any serious issues that may arise.
If, however, you feel that there is a conflict that prevents you from speaking freely to the directors or coordinator, the Student Advocates will be in position to offer guidance as well.