Section 16: Neuroscience Graduate Minor

The Graduate Minor in Neuroscience provides students with the opportunity to study the basics of structure and function of the nervous system.  Students enrolled in the minor will gain training in and exposure to the basic fundamentals of nerve cell function and neural systems.  Students completing a Neuroscience Minor will receive appropriate recognition of their efforts on their university academic record.

A minimum of 3 courses for a total of 12 or more credit hours is required for a Neuroscience Minor.


In order to ensure a foundation in the fundamentals of neuroscience, students are required to take one of the following two courses:

NEUROSC 7001: Foundations of Neuroscience I 6 credits
NEUROSC 7002 or DENT 7012.03: Foundations of Neuroscience II 6 credits

To meet the requirements for a minor, students may select additional courses from the list above and below.  

NEUROSC 5644: Behavioral Endocrinology 3 credits (alternate years)
NEUROSC 7050: Neurobiology of Disease 3 credits
NEUROSC 7500: Neuroimmunology 3 credits (alternate years)
NEUROSC 5790H: Developmental Neurobiology 3 credits
NGSY 8250: Biology of the Tumor Microenvironment 2 credits
NEUROGS 7887: Seminar Topics in Neuroscience (students must register for both autumn and spring semesters for this course) 1 credit (total of 2 credits)

Graduate School and Neuroscience Graduate Program guidelines require that students earn a minimum of a B grade in all of these courses to receive a minor.


  1. A student in conjunction with her/his advisor should determine the appropriateness of pursuing a Graduate Minor and how best to incorporate it into the student’s program of study.
  2. The student will log into GRADFORMS.OSU.EDU and complete the Minors & Interdisciplinary Specializations Form. 
  3. After completing the requirements for the Minor or Interdisciplinary Specialization indicated, the student must submit a Transcript Designation Request form in order for your transcript to indicate that you have completed the Minor or Interdisciplinary Specialization.  After this form has been approved by the Graduate School, you will be able to log back on and view this form, which will include a button to create a Request for Transcript Designation form.  

Resources for GRADFORMS.OSU.EDU: