Program Events
- NGP hosts an annual retreat in early fall with three goals in mind. First, to review the accomplishments and achievements of our program's students and faculty over the past year and look forward to exciting events and changes coming down the pipeline. Second, to welcome new faculty members and first year graduate students to the program. Third, to facilitate and celebrate connections and friendships between students and faculty in a relaxed environment.
- Each summer, NGP students and faculty participate in the IGP softball tournament and compete against teams from our sister graduate programs. We took the home the trophy in 2016!
Outreach Activities and Service Opportunitites
- The Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization (NGSO) was officially formed in January of 2017 to enhance the experience of graduate students as they move through the program. The goal is to ensure that each person has a positive and rewarding experience in the program, both in and out of the lab. NGSO plans and hosts monthly happy hours, serves to establish resources to help students find professional development and community outreach opportunities, and fosters cooperation with other IGP programs.
- Neuroscience Education: Urban & Rural Outreach (N.E.U.R.O) is a graduate student-run outreach organization that partners with local libraries and after-school programs to target underserved populations in central Ohio. A primary goal of the program is to demystify neuroscience at an age where students are beginning to form lifelong interests, and thereby kindle an interest in basic scientific research. The current graduate student leaders for NEURO are Nicki Pukos, Kia Adams, and Athena Howell.
- Once a year in March, NEURO hosts Brain Awareness Week at the Center for Science & Industry (COSI) in collaboration with the Neurological Institute at the Wexner Medical Center. Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign helb by the Society for Neuroscience and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives. The goal of this event is to promote interest in neuroscience and increase science literacy amongst the general public.
- Along with speakers invited by faculty, each year the Student Seminar Committee invites several pre-eminent researchers to speak on campus. The current liaison for this committee is Kia Adams.
- As a graduate program, NGP participates in the Council of Graduate Students. This body serves to represent the graduate student body and communicate directly with the graduate school and the university administration to address the needs of graduate students. The current CGS rep for NGP is Kyle Sullivan.
Professional and Career Development Opportunities
- IGP Symposium
- Hayes Forum
- OSUWMC Trainee Research Day
- IGP Career Day
Out and About in Columbus
We polled NGP students to find out how they like to spend their time outside of lab and this is what they said:
- Attending summer festivals, sporting events, and concerts
- Attending OSU football games
- Touring breweries
- Getting ice cream at Graeter's
- Going to the Rose Garden
- Trying new restaurants
- Running on the Scioto bike trail
- Biking, kayaking, and hiking