Shahid Nimjee

Shahid Nimjee, MD, PhD

Shahid Nimjee

Associate Professor, Departments of Neurosurgery, Radiology, and Neuroscience

Areas of Expertise

  • Neurotrauma, Neurological Disorders, and Gene/Clinical Therapies
  • Stress and Neuroimmunology


  • PhD: Duke University
  • Postdoctoral Training: Duke University

Current Research Description

Pathological thrombosis as it occurs in the heart and brain is the largest cause of morbidity and mortality in the world.  In the brain, pathological thrombosis results in acute ischemic stroke, which affects over 700,000 in the United States each year. The main thrust of our lab is to better understand the molecular mechanisms that result in the initial stroke but also the inflammatory cascade that is responsible for secondary injury seen in stroke patients.  This includes hemorrhagic conversion, edema formation and blood-brain-barrier effects. Ultimately, the goal of the lab is to develop robust yet safe therapies for patients who suffer a stroke.

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